Wednesday, June 24, 2009

13 Days to Go

Today's pre-field bible reading was Jonah 4:1-11. This was the part of the familiar story of Jonah where He went outside of the town to watch what God was going to do to the City because of its disobedience. This was where the plant sprouted up to give him some more shade, then withered and died.
To tell you the truth, I have NO CLUE what this has to do with a mission trip? Does it mean that we should not be like Jonah and hope that God does NOT strike down our missions field? I feel that the first part of Jonah would have more to do with our mission trip- the part where Jonah is asked to go, but he is too afraid, and then go into the ways we serve God. I don't know, all I know is that this one doesn't make that much sense in terms of our Short Term Mission to Latvia.

Well, in preparation for the trip today, I have been working on my packing list. I started an extensive list early so, hopefully, I won't forget anything, and have it all organized. Yes, I like organized ALOT!

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