Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Countdown Begins...

Well, for me, the Latvian Mission Trip has started today. We have been working though a book about Short-Term Missions called "The Next Mile". With this book, devotions are included in the Back and today was the first day of the Pre-Field Devotions.

Today I read- Isaiah 49:1-6- A Light to the Nations.
I want to be used by God to be a Light to the Nations myself. Isn't it amazing that God can use faulted people like us? I just find it so fascinating that even though I sin, and hurt God, He still can, will, and wants to use me for His good. I think of Moses and how he was used. There is a song by an old band called the W's that starts out-

"every once in awhile i start to contemplate how a person like me could be used by the great God.
then i look to those who lived before me, in their imperfections they showed Gods glory.

Moses and the burning bush everybody knows that he was always doubting what God could do.
Gidion could never understand how God could use, an itty bitty man like me.

how can God ever use me.
i'm just a nobody.
he sees everything about me.
what can he see in me.
what can he see in me.
what can he see in me.

Peter said at one time i will not fall away even if the Consequences of death is what i pay.
before the rooster crows you will deny me three times saying i do not know this man
he is no friend of mine.
Paul stood by as Stephen died and gave his support.
even when the rocks were thrown he showed no remorse.
beat down till he was dead.

Paul, what a wretched man i am.
how can God ever use me.
i'm just a nobody.
he sees everything about me.
what can he see in me.
what can he see in me.
what can he see in me."

That song called Moses by the W's sums up what I often feel about God's use of me in His plans. It just seems that, being such a faultering person, God could find someone better, BUT THE AMAZING THING IS THAT WHEN GOD USES PEOPLE LIKE ME WHO ARE INSIGNIFICANT, IT SHOWS HIS GLORY ALL THE MORE. So, I want to be like Paul and Boast about my Weakness, for in my weakness, it shows God's STRENGTH!

So, that is my Latvian Thought for the Day!

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