Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Slava Bogu- Praise God-
We got back all in one piece to PDX. Yesterday, we flew out of Riga, Latvia to Frankfurt, Germany.
It was an uneventful flight, very nice. We got into Frankfurt and right outside of the gate in the pickup area was a driver waiting for us from the Kolping Hotel. This was a small-roomed but nice hotel with great views. We were very fortunate- we had assumed that we would be getting two rooms- one for the guys and one for the girls, but instead we each had a room.
Megan hooked us up good- we even got Dinner and Breakfast included- All for free. Thank You German Family.

Then we had lots of great time for searching out the city- Bob became a Christian there in Frankfurt and so he had the greatest time finding all the different places. He went back to the church he was changed at and took lots of photos and tried to find someone there to talk to so he could see inside. No luck.

We got up this morning and then had breakfast- got in the shuttle and left for the airport.
I was lucky enough to get a window seat on the long flight back to the states and it was great seeing some of greenland, the canadian rockies and many other sites.

We all made it back in one piece and all our baggage joined us. Again, I will say it- Slava Bogu.
God has blessed this trip and I am happy that I was able to go.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


After my post yesterday, we went to the church service. Us young people were late because we were not told how to get there or when it was or any details like that. But Steve came and got us to go there. Then afterwards there was a few baptisms at the camp lake. It was raining, so not the greatest time to be in a lake or by a lake, but it was still a good time of watching commitments.
Of course Steve, Al, and Diks were talking about throwing each other into the lake and so Al and Diks decided to try to throw each other in. Al thought he could take him, but Diks had the advantage of being younger, taller, among other things, so Al knew he was going in. Al went in with a fight but gracefully, next it was Diks, then his brother, Guntas, then it was Steve. Supposedly I was next but that would not have been a good move on their part, because, in a good mood, I can handle being dumped, but in a bad/tired mood (Like I was in last night) I would have been very upset and it would have ruined my night.

Its Sigulda Day! Its raining outside. We are having a big group go with us to Sigulda. We will be heading to a castle, and just look around the city. I still am kindof on the edge of not wanting to be around people, but since I got some sleep last night, I think I can handle it as long as we are not touring as one big group, if we are going as smaller groups- 4or 5- I can handle that, just not a big group of 14-18 going in and out of shops or whatnot for that whole time. I dont mind meeting up for lunch and such (as long as we get one huge table or two good-sized tables, and are not squished like we have been in the past).

I hope that Sigulda Day will be a good experience for me, and not a bad one.

Wipe Out

So, its sunday here and we got up fairly early to take showers and get ready, then we ( the young ones, minus Jerome and Plus Kelli) had a 30min. drive cramped up in the back of a station wagon to go to church. We got to Madonna (Mah-dwo-na) just in time for the church to start. The church service was good. We got to meet some of the members, the speaker at the camp, a pastor somewhere else, had some time to speak at the church, as well as Bob Phillips again. They both did a great job. The church had I think around 50 people, and all were very enthusiastic. This was a tough service to get through for me because of the heat and humidity. It was very stuffy in the building and I felt like racing out the church when it was done.
After service, we all crammed 8 people in the 7 passenger van and headed out of the way for lunch so we could head back into Ergli via a castle on the way from Planias (or whereever it was). Lunch was alright, we had a big group with us so we all got the same thing to make it come quicker. We finally got our food at around 3pm so that was very late for me. I was ready for food around the middle of the service, seeing as how it started at around 12. So it was a very late lunch for me.

I am feeling the restrictions of the trip. I am the type of person who can only go so long being around people constantly, and these past few days (weeks really) have been people around all the time. I try as often as I can tofind time for myself, a quite area to rest or whatnot, but today it has hit me hard and I need some quiet time to re-coop. Truthfully, It is all three of us- Kelli, Megan, and I all feeling the same way.
There is another church service tonight that we are asked to go to here in Ergli, but I am hoping that I might be able to stay at the cabin to rest some more.

Thank you all for your prayers this week- here is another- please pray for our group that we will be rested and not testy with one another. Pray that I, myself, might find time to be on my own, to relax and spend with God, after all, this is a missions trip. And pray for safety on the roads as we are touring around the country tomorrow, and heading home on tuesday/wednesday.

Thank You again for your prayers.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Week is over.

Well, yesterday was the last day of the camp. We were all in a good mood about that. It has turned out to be a good week, but it was nice when the kids were all heading home and we all had some quiet time. Well, I am getting ahead of myself.-- On Thursday, we had quite an adventure. Right after I got done with my internet usage, it started to rain. (See heres the deal, at the camp, we were all sharing the computer to check email and such- we had to walk around a hill to get to a place where the camp WiFi works, so when someone needed to check the mail they would take my computer and do what I like to call the E-Walk.) Anyways, I had just gotten done and Kelli was waiting to do the E-walk when it started raining, then really hard, so she did not get much time on the computer. All this to say that Thursday evening it rained really hard, for quite a while and it rained so hard and for so long, that the water level on the lake rose so much they had to do something about it.
When the rain stopped, many people were outside trying to create pathways for water to run from the overflowing lake into the river. It was just gushing. It was an amazing site, let me tell ya.
That was the fun with Thursday and if you have the link to my picasa Web Album for Latvia Trip you can check it out, I am updating those photos as I write.

Well, back to yesterday, Friday. I got up nice and early and was in such a great mood, because our week of being with students was over. It was great, just very tiring and still difficult to be there when most of the time you don't know what is going on or what people are saying. It takes a lot out of you. My cabin got up at a leisurely rate and had some breakfast (to which I find out after the fact, that there was more stuff than just the Cereal that I had, so i was bummed.) and then cleaned out the rest of the cabin and got packed and headed up to the meeting area for the last meeting. It was a good time of worship with Dave, and at the start of the week, Marvin, the camp director asked me since I was taking lots of video and photos if I would be willing to put together a slideshow of the week, I jumped on that opportunity and asked if it could have video as well. So had been working on that this past week and it was shown at the last meeting. Everybody really enjoyed it. I had lots of fun making it too.
So after the last meeting, they took a group photo and then said their goodbyes and got ready to leave. Many of the students and staff came up to me afterwards asking if I could transfer a copy of the slideshow onto their flash drive or ipod or whatever they had. It was a good time of saying goodbye, then the staff went up for lunch when most were gone and had a nice time of prayer for the kids that were here.
Then, the rest of the afternoon, for us three American camp staff, it was a leisurely time. We got in the cold lake, and were asked to clean out the tents, and played a really long game of president and the fool with Dave, Kelli, and Megan. At around dinner time, we headed back. This was the first time out of the camp for me. Us camp staff are staying now in a cabin in the back yard of Dustin and Christines house. The rest of the staff are staying in a house three doors down. Both places are really neat, the only problem is that the cabin does not have a bathroom or running water at all, so we are having to use dustin and Christines house for a bathroom. Anyways, it has been very nice to have conversations in only english ever since we got out of the camp area.
Today, the men are going back to the camp to continue/finish up what they have been working on, and we three are going to have a nice easy morning, maybe get some bakery items for breakfast, take a walk in the ergli area, and Janine will take us to the camp maybe after lunch for some recreation time or work or whatever.
There was talk of having a BBQ at the camp for dinner, but its still up in the air.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for all your prayers, they have really meant a lot to us all, and I know that God worked through this week and had grown all of us because of it too. It is built up some character.

My Devos for the Camp Days

Tuesday July 14th
Hebrews 13:7
Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.

My leaders, as goofy as they can be at times, are great people and very wonderful role models for others. I am so thankful to have these role models and one day strive to be like them. There are others among me that are natural leaders, ones of whom I look up to. I thank God for these people- my trip leaders as well as the natural Godly leaders around me- everyday.

Wednesday July 15th
John 4:34-38

This passage is very true in winning others to Christ. Some might tell their story and not even know it had an impact on lives, while others might reap a benefit that someone else might have put the seed in. Thats why we can never give up on others and always work on them, because even if they don't come to Christ by your leading, you have at least helped to mature the seed.

Thursday July 16th
Romans 5:3-5

I have felt this in the last week. At the start of the week, I did not think that I would make it through this because of the frustration I felt, But God has shown himself to me and that's what this trip is all about. I have had to persevere through a language barrier, not knowing what was going on, and still trying to create relationships, and because of it, it has developed character, and Character- Hope. And Hope does not disappoint.

Friday July 17th
1Cor. 1:26-31

What a picture of Grace. God chose us when we were nothing, we were sinful, shameful, despised, rude, weak nothings, and God cannot even look on us because of it, but He still chose us to be a part of him. What an amazing thought, that someone so big and righteous would care about me. WOW.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

More and More

Well, it was a great thing last night. We had our small groups in our tent and usually I don't know what is being talked about because noone really translates much for me, but last night, I had a translator in the tent with us and he translated most all of what was being said. It was great because I found out that one of the boys we have in our cabin on his own the day before gave his life to christ. Slava Bogu (Russian for Praise God) At the start of the week, he was an unbeliever, but he said yesterday that he felt that it was the right thing to do and so in his heart he did. It is so great when God leads someone to christ like that. It didnt even take any one person to walk him through it, he just knew in his heart it had to be done, so he did it.
The leaders here have been really helpful and they are really warming up to us. The kids too. There are a number of students now that say hi to us more and more. I have had a chance to have better converstions with many, especially in my cabin group.
I also got a chance to get to know a few of the leaders more and more. I got a chance to talk with a few last night while most of the group were going to play Capture the Flag. Sad thing though, during capture the flag, a young man got hurt, and had to go to the emergency room and get 9 stitches. Luckily though, he was back this morning and seems to be doing fine.

All is well here, we are tired and will be ready for the end of the camp, but still in high spirits.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Latvian Cards

Well, on the men's front- the projects seem to be coming along well. The deck is practically finished and they will be working on the dock most of the time today. The High Ropes course is also getting there. Jerome, Bob, and Dustin have been working on that project and they say a few parts are done, they just have more to do.

On the Camp front, I am feeling a bit more included in the team. Before, I was not getting things translated at all to me, so during small group times I could not add anything of value to the meetings, but Diks is really working hard and translating things for me so that I can be a part of the group. I too am working on trying to be included. It takes time for me to get to know people and its the same in Latvia, but I am working hard. I also still have to take my alone time to just spend with God.

I had a culture shock the night before last. We were on scavenger hunt to find people all the way around the camp. So we took off into the woods to find out that we had to cross a small creek, up to knee high. I was fine with this, then we found out we had to cross a river- chest-high. This was not as good. Well, all my team striped down to underwear and crossed, and a girls team behind us did the same. In the states, it would be inappropriate to do this, stripping down when there are mixed genders, but here its alright. This was hard for me to get over. Its just such a different culture. Needless to say, I did not strip down, i just went in my clothes and so the whole rest of the night, I was soaking. We had to cross about three rivers this way, not fun. Well, I was the only one who was not having fun, so I guess that is good, the rest of the guys had lots of fun. It was also way too late for me, and so I was tired and ready for bed.
I had a breakthrough last night though. I was bored so I got out my cards and the guys in my cabin were impressed. They really like cards I guess. Well, I played a card game from Latvia with a few of these guys and got a chance to really connect with them. Please still pray for our camp team that we would be able to connect with our leaders, and campers.

One is the Loneliest Number

Well these past two days have been stressful for me. Imagine going to a place where many people know each other and are already friends; I place where they all speak a language that you do not. Its tough to break in. Many speak a little english, and so if you ask them a question, they can, for the most part, answer it, but then, they usually got right back to talking with their friends that speak Latvian.
This is how its been for me the whole camp so far. I am being a co-leader of a cabin group with Diks (if you remember, he came to First Baptist to speak when Dustin came over last). Diks speaks english well, and he said that he would translate for me on important things, but I have felt so useless so far. During the meeting times, I have thankfully been sitting next to someone who has translated the message for me, but during small groups, even though he started out translating, Diks has been lax about it. SO, because I do not know what my small group (Cabin) is talking about, I cannot offer my input and therefore, have no real way of connecting with the students. It has been tough. The only way that I can connect with them is to talk with them one on one when Diks is not there talking. I snuck a bit of english in there before our small group talk this morning while we were waiting for others to join us. There were a few boys waiting in the cabin with me and so I asked if what was translated to me was what we talked about- Temptation- and it was so I asked a few of them what things they had been tempted with, shared a bit about when I was younger and was tempted to cheat on a test or whatnot and if I did or not. That was a good time, but mostly I don't get opportunities, so, please pray for Kelli, Megan, and I that we would be able to have Latvian translated for us, and that we would be able to have input in our small group meeting times so we could connect with the students. Pray for strength for us PLEASE. It is tough and lonely being in a place like this.

Just Keep Waiting.

For those of you that are keeping track of this blog and also waiting for loved ones emails, I just want you to know that it is more difficult to find time for many of us to do our internet chitchat. Please be patient and most of us will have a bit of time every once in a while.

Ergli Finally

Sunday was interesting. We got up early to go to the church. Kelli and I had planned to practice our three songs were were going to sing before everyone got there from Breakfast. We had the wonderful chance to sing Blessed Be Your Name, Majestic, and Amazing Grace. We practiced these songs on our own and we did alright. After our practice, we had a wonderful breakfast provided by our host church- the Russian Baptist Church in Vangazi.
After Breakfast, we had some fellowship with our friends at the church and waited for the service to begin.
Al Hulbert was preaching Sunday morning and he did an awesome job. He knew exactly how to preach with an interpreter, and Natasha did a great job interpreting for us and for their congregation.
We also had two testimonies Sunday morning- Bill Brown and Jerome Tryone. They also did an excellent job of telling their story.
At the end, Kelli and I sang our songs, and we asked everyone to sing Amazing Grace along with us in their own tongue. It was fun to sing this song with everyone singing their native tongue. Im sure there were some Russian, Latvian, German, and English Dialects all singing the same thing.
After the church service, we were greeted by many, some who could speak english, and others who could not, but it was a very fun experience.
We had a big lunch afterwards. Pastor Victors and his family were there, Pastor Augris and his wife were there, another missionary at the Bible Institute was there to join us, and many of the host families were there. By the end, everyone was making speeches. I have found this a lot in this country. Pastors like standing up and saying words for all to hear. Not only the pastors, but Boris, a great man there at the church, also wanted to say some words to us.
Pastor Victors at the end of the lunchtime, got up and gave another speech and gave each and everyone of us a little gift, a cup that had a picture of their church on it, and a chocolate bar. This was so touching because he said, even though we don't have much and cannot give much, we would like to give you something. I wish I would have gotten it on tape because it would have been nice to share it everyone back home.
After Lunch, we got our things to be packed up and then headed out to the church to wait for Dicks to come and get us. He was driving a Mini Van and Al still had the mid-size car to use. We waited over at the church and some of the group went over to play volleyball at a field nearby with some friends from the church. It was a fun game. Eventually, Dicks arrived and we packed in the car and left for Ergli.
We had to stop off and get some gas and insurance in Sigulda, so we wouldn't have the same problem again.
We arrived in Ergli at the Sunday service just in time. We were to be there participating in the service at 6pm and we did not think we could make it in time, but All things are possible with God (and when Dicks drives really fast) Bob Phillips spoke the message to the service on Sunday night, and he did a great job. He had some great analogies that pertained to being lost and found. Also, Jerome gave is testimony again and Megan gave hers as well. Again, both did a great job and did not even seem nervous.
We arrived at the camp around 8 or 9 and had some fellowship with the other leaders and the mens team got a feel of where they would be during the week, what projects they would be working on and whatnot.
I have found so far, that these people do know how to speak English, but would rather speak Latvian to when their friends are near. When it is just myself and one other person, we will say hello and chitchat a bit in english, but when there are a few, they do not include us english speakers, they just talk talk talk in Latvian. It's kinda hard to follow and I think we all feel a bit left out. That is something I am going to have to get over for this week to be profitable.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Yesterday was great. We got up in a nice manner, and walked to the church to have breakfast. These ladies were there nice and early to have quite a spread for us. All along, these Vagazi people have gone quite a distance to share their food.
We had a nice breakfast and then it was off to work. We were moving piles of pavers, tiles, a few were working on building shelving, a few of us were working on taking a big pile of scrap wood out of a storage house and then restacking it nicely. Also, men were tearing apart pallets and wooden items to chop into smaller pieces to add to the restacking pile. WOW, once we got done with everything, it looked amazing. You should go take a look at the photos on the web upload site.
In the middle of it all we had a great lunch.

Afterwards, we had some tea and cookies, and then started on our way home to take a rest and get ready for a saturday night youth service at the church. On our way back, Jerome and Megan heard a loud sound out near the street, we looked back to see that were was a car accident, then we looked closer and saw it was some of our group. We had been given a car by Dustin to use yesterday and today for driving around the area, but the problem was that there was no insurance and our driver did not have a Latvian Drivers License. In the end, we accured a few tickets because of this accident. Bummer.

We got back to the youth service just in time and had a fun time. They sang a few songs in Latvian, a few in Russian, and one in German. There was a group from Germany and so that was neat to see there last night.
After the service, our younger members of the group went back to Natasha's house to have some tea, and it turned out to be a full spread. She brought out tea, cookies, candies, and in the end even made some dumplings. It was a great time of fellowship and getting to know some of the younger people in the congregation.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 05 Devotions

Today's Scripture reading is located in Acts.
Acts 18:18-23
Paul stayed on in Corinth for some time.
Then he left the brothers
and sailed for Syria,
accompanied by Priscilla and Aquila.
Before he sailed,
he had his hair cut off at Cenchrea
because of a vow he had taken.
They arrived at Ephesus,
where Paul left Priscilla and Aquila.
He himself went into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews.
When they asked him to spend more time with them,
he declined.
But as he left,
he promised, "I will come back if it is God's will."
Then he set sail from Ephesus.
When he landed at Caesarea,
he went up and greeted the church
and then went down to Antioch.

After spending some time in Antioch,
Paul set out from there
and traveled from place to place
throughout the region of Galatia and Phrygia,
strengthening all the disciples.

This seems to be what we are trying to do on this mission. We are wanting to Strengthen the pastors and workers of God in Latvia. We started at Bridge Builders, In Riga, we also met with Pastor Agris and Ellis, as well a Diega to comfort them and give them encouragement, then onto Vangazi where we have been with Pastor Viktor and his congregation. Lastly, we will go to Ergli to work with Dustin.

The Real SHOW

This afternoon, we went on an independent spree and that was lots of fun. I started my journey with Kelli, Megan, and Jerome. I did not feel the need to go to a market that was said to be like Pikes Place. I am not much for markets like that and certainly not one for crowded people in one place. So Megan and I went to McDonalds to sit and wait for the rest of our group while Jerome and Kelli went to the market. I fulfilled a life-long dream of going to a McDonalds in a foreign country. To share the whole story, I wanted to go to a Double Decker McDonalds during a High School summer vacation trip to Canada with the family, but they denied me that wonderful opportunity. I was crushed. So when I found out where a McDonalds was in Latvia, I had to go. So thats what I did this morning.
Back to the story, so then, Kelli and Jerome came back and found us and we went to an outdoor festival that was selling lots of Native Latvian trinkets. I did not find much at first, but I was able to find a few things by the end of the trip. There were all sorts of items at this festival- many blankets, pottery, clothing, wooden items, and many others. I was able to find a tiny wooden carved meddalion that had Riga carved into it. I also was able to buy a piece of pottery that was created into a musical instrument of sorts. It had holes in it where you could play it in the same way as a recorder.
I also got a beautiful bowl that was decorated. I had a good time.
After all that shopping, we were ready for Lunch, again I really wanted to eat at a McDonalds (i did not eat before, it was around 10am) so Megan and I went to another McDonalds (very popular BTW) and Kelli and Jerome, again took off to find an authentic Latvian restauraunt.
Megan and I ate some good McDonalds food, waited in line for a bathroom, then headed out. I lost a "Raise Your Right Hand Bet" and Megan gloated about that. We found a festival of some sort going on at the Freedom Monument, so we decided to sit and watch that for a while. There were many people in Traditional Latvia garb and they were walking around the monument to commemorate the occasion, there was lots of music and many on-lookers. We really had a great time. By then, we decided we were bored and wanted to walk back to the BBI office. We were just waiting there the rest of the time for others.
On the way to the Bus, we had to walk about a block and a half to get to our stop for Vangazi. We were planning on getting on the bus at 4:30PM today so we started getting our stuff ready and walking to the stop at 3:45. I was among the first to get to the bus stop and Natasha said that the bus that was there was our bus. We started getting on, but not everyone was there and so we had to get off and find another bus to get to Vangazi. We, in the end, had to take a taxi with all our big bags to the Bus station, and the rest of us walked with backpacks and small items to the bus station. We got lost on the way, as our usual way here, but found it eventually and got on the bus in time.

When getting to Vangazi, we were meeted by Pastor Viktors, and he took a van with all of our stuff to the church. We walked to the church from the bus stop. (Probably about 1/2 Mi. if I had to guess) When we arrived at the church, there were some wonderful people there to greet us happily. We sat down to an AMAZING dinner at the church, and then we got the tour of the upstairs building. They showed us all of the wonderful work that others had done (including Steve and Al) in the past. It was great to see. They also showed us the beautiful new sancutary that they are working on. It is not done yet, there are still a few things to do, but they have had a few special services in it. Afterwards, there was some friendly banter, and then, our group was divided up to go to houses. Steve, Janine, and Al went with Pastor Viktors and his wife. Megan went with her new best friend, Natasha. Kelli went to Natashas parents' house. Bill went to Boris' house, Bob and Bill went to the Deacons house, and Jerome and I were not able to find a house with others, so Pastor Viktors let us use one of his son's houses here (While he is away).

It has been a very fun day, and Jerome and I both feel that now we are out of Riga, we are in real Latvia, not just a European Vacation kind of feel, but a real mission trip kind of feel. We are happy to be feeling this way. We are out of the Tourguiding and Sightseeing, we are into the real show.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Big day

What happened yesterday? you may ask. Well, our group of 10 got up very early (Still not used to the time change) had some breakfast and a great devotional time together. We talked about encouragement for one another. We split up into groups of 3 or 4 and talked with one another, giving complements about what each one's abilities and talents are given by God.
It was a great time of sharing and getting to know people deeper than just the surface stuff.
After devotions we took a walk down to the occupation museum to get there by 11am. This building is very interesting. It looks so old. Inside, there were lots of pictures and readings. The thing I got out of this adventure was that I got a sense of why the older people of Latvia are always looking down as a sign of submission and oppression. It seems that the younger ones have not grown up under that oppression and so they would look like any other teenager in any other city. It was interesting to watch. It is so sad all the oppression that has impacted the lives of these people.
After I was done with my visit to the Occupation museum, I walked outside to wait for the rest of my group to get done. Around this time, I met Natasha, she took us towards the restaurant that we had lunch at. Sadly, we got a bit lost on the way there. We went a bit far and had to ask for directions back. We got back on track and met with Pastor Augris and his son for lunch at a buffet style joint. It was fun to get to try to figure out what I wanted for lunch. I followed Natasha around and she explained to me what the general stuff was at this buffet. I got a chicken thing and some fries. Not too bad of a lunch. After lunch, I was so tired I had to go back and take a rest at the BBI offices. While there, I got a chance to meet a few teenage boys who were Latvian. It was fun to get to know them a bit. They sat out in the main room and talked with Megan and I about life. It was a great time. I also got a tip from them to look at a youtube video called I am Second by Brian "Head" ? (I forgot) , the former lead guitarist from Korn who was converted to Christianity. He has a powerful testimony. Check it out. Anyways, it was a good time talking with these yong men. We all met up as a group around 4:30. We walked to St. Peters Church and many of us went up to the top of the tower, afterwards, we relaxed a bit at a tea house. Got some dinner at a pizza place then I went back to the appartment and rested the rest of the night. Some of our group went to a festival near the office and were engaged in the Latvian culture and dance. Quite a big day today. We also in the middle of it got to meet Diega, a young lady who the toomeys and Al have known for around 3 years. She met us at the Freedom Monument and joined us for most of the rest of the evening.

Devotions Day 04

Today's Scriptures are:
Mark 10:35-45
Then James and John,
the sons of Zebedee,
came to him.
"Teacher," they said,
"we want you to do for us whatever we ask."
"What do you want me to do for you?" he asked.
They replied, "Let one of us sit at your right
and the other at your left in your glory."

"You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said.
"Can you drink the cup I drink
or be baptized with the baptism
I am baptized with?"

"We can," they answered.
Jesus said to them,
"You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism
I am baptized with,
but to sit at my right or left
is not for me to grant.
These places belong to those
for whom they have been prepared."

When the ten heard about this,
they became indignant with James and John.
Jesus called them together and said,
"You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles
lord it over them,
and their high officials exercise authority over them.
Not so with you.
whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,
and whoever wants to be first
must be slave of all.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Wow, when I hear that passage, I think if Gumption. I know that These two men were disciple and great men, but why would James and John feel they deserved to be placed at the right and left of God. That was a major thing to ask. I really like Jesus' response to them. He said, that to be great in the world, you have to serve. Jesus did not come to the earth to be served, but to serve. He gave us an example of how we should act; We need to be serving others at all times- always showing God's love to others through this act.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 03 Devotions

Well, here is part two of Devotions. Today's devotions are:

1 Corinthians 12:12-26

The body is a unit,
though it is made up of many parts;
and though all its parts are many,
they form one body.
So it is with Christ.
For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—
whether Jews or Greeks,
slave or free—
and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.

Now the body is not made up of one part
but of many.
If the foot should say,
"Because I am not a hand,
I do not belong to the body,"
it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body.
And if the ear should say,
"Because I am not an eye,
I do not belong to the body,"
it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body.
If the whole body were an eye,
where would the sense of hearing be?
If the whole body were an ear,
where would the sense of smell be?
But in fact
God has arranged the parts in the body,
every one of them,
just as he wanted them to be.
If they were all one part,
where would the body be?
As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

The eye cannot say to the hand,
"I don't need you!"
And the head cannot say to the feet,
"I don't need you!"
On the contrary,
those parts of the body that seem to be weaker
are indispensable,
and the parts that we think are less honorable
we treat with special honor.
And the parts that are unpresentable
are treated with special modesty,
while our presentable parts need no special treatment.
But God has combined the members of the body
and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it,
so that there should be no division in the body,
but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.
If one part suffers,
every part suffers with it;
if one part is honored,
every part rejoices with it.

This is a great illustration of what the church body should look like. It shows how different we all are and that God made us all that way. We have talked about this in our college group before. Sometimes we think, "OH, I wish I had that gift like that person", and we get jealous. But we all need to be reminded at times that we all have been given these gifts by God and He gave them to us for a specific purpose and reason.
It is a VERY good thing that not everyone in my group here in Latvia are like me, because there are so many different talents in our group.

(You don't want a group of Tim's building a High Ropes Course. Trust Me)

Day 02 Devotions

Well, because we lost a day on the way here, I forgot that today is the 9th and so I will be doing two passages today
Yesterday's was
1 Peter 5:8-11
Be self-controlled and alert.
Your enemy the devil
prowls around like a roaring lion
looking for someone to devour.
Resist him,
standing firm in the faith,
because you know that your brothers
throughout the world
are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

And the God of all grace,
who called you to his eternal glory in Christ,
after you have suffered a little while,
will himself restore you
and make you strong,
firm and steadfast.
To him be the power for ever and ever.

This passage reminds me of Yesterday. We were with Chuck Kelly as he was showing us around.
All of a sudden, Chuck started saying watch out guys, watch out. We had no clue what he was talking about. Once we left the area, he informed us that there was a man around us that was looking to steal from us. He was walking up near us and was getting in close. I had no idea. He had said at the start of our walk around the town to keep things in your front pocket and be on the lookout. This story reminds me of this scripture, not to say that that man was the devil, its just a picture of what the devil can do, and that he really does prowl around us and that we need someone to point that out to us sometimes.


Wow, today has been very very, very, very long.
After having a good nights sleep the night before our trip, I was doing great yesterday. We got to Portland, As I mentioned before, and I was having a great time. We knew that we would have a very long layover in Portland, so we took our time. When we got in to PDX, some of the team got some breakfast, while others looked around and sat with them. After a while, I was getting tired of just sitting around the airport, so I decided to to walk around the whole airport and see what was there. It was fun to be on my own and just walk around with nothing around me but people loading planes and my thoughts. We had a great team meeting that Bob Phillips led at 11am near our gate, then we waited for our flight to board. After a long layover in Portland, we loaded the plane around 1:15pm (Pacific Time).
Lufthansa was an amazing flight. There was lots of food and beverages for us. We were kinda nervous about this food issue because on our boarding pass it said the food was a snack.
In this flight, we were provided with a small snack and beverage shortly after boarding, then we were given a nice hot meal for dinner along with a beverage and coffee or tea. Then we had a beverage later on to top it off. Right before landing we got another meal- this time breakfast. We were all amazed about how much sustenance was provided on this flight.
Other than food, the flight was tough for me. It was very cramped in a seat that was in the middle of the row where I could not see out the windows and was having constant battles with my sleeping row mates who were constantly invading my space with their legs.
This was a long flight, 10 hours, and what made it worse was that we gained 8 hours on the way there to Frankfurt Germany. We arrived in Frankfurt around 8:30AM (Germany time) (12:30PM Pacific time) What's worse is that I did not sleep ANY on the way there. BUT, surprisingly, I was not all that sleepy. Entering Germany, we went through customs, this took a bit.
Funny story, I forgot that I had some water in my waterbottle- thats not allowed so I was was asked to drink the rest of my contents right there on the spot. I did. It was good though because I was kinda thirsty.
Anyways, we got through customs and then headed for our flight from Frankfurt to Riga. This flight was waiting for us because the previous flight got in a bit late. Of course, practically all of us went on the plane the wrong door and had to pass through people trying to get around us to the front of the plane as we were trying to get around then to the back.
I was lucky this time, because I got to sit in a window seat. This was great and made the time go by all the more quickly. I got some great shots of the clouds that I will load onto my Picasa Web Image show.
When arriving in Riga, we had to set back our clocks one last time, one hour later. So now our time difference is 10 Hours. Right now, I am typing this email from Riga, the time here is 9:10PM--- The time in Bend, Oregon is 11:10AM. Big Difference,

Again, surprisingly after all these flights and time changes, I was still feeling pretty good.
We got out luggage, Thank the Lord that all the luggage made it though three planes and was ready for us when we got into Riga. That is a big priase. I thank all of you who where praying for our flight plans.
After we got all our luggage, we headed towards the general area. We met Chuck Kelly, and his office manager from Bridge Builders International and they gave us some good information and we got on our way to the BBI office in Downtown Riga.
Chuck was very helpful with us today. He gave us the low-down on Riga, and things about Latvia, His ministry, and the culture of the Latvians and Russians.
We had a good time of sight seeing this afternoon from about 3:30 PM LT (Latvia Time) until 8:30. I have to be honest, by the time 8:30PM LT rolled around, I was tired of walking and being around people, I was just plain tired. But, We got to see LOTS AND LOTS of Riga. Many of those buildings are so many years old, its amazing to see their architecture. I will try to put up the rest of my photos of Day one, tomorrow morning sometime, but for now, I must be off.

*Disclaimer, I realize that some of writtings in this post have been negative, but most of that is from my long day and not having any sleep, including the time changes. I am sure that I will be in better writing moods when I am refreshed by a good (or at least some) nights sleep.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


We are off today, yahoo.
We all were up in time this morning at the Redmond Airport. Ken and Jodi Mays, and Doug and Judy Berum were there to wish us well. We got some photos of the group at the airport and then went through security to wait in the Passenger waiting area. Jerome got stopped for having some sort of metal on his body, but we all eventually made it through in time.

The Bible Passage for today is:
1 Chronicles 29:10-18
David praised the LORD
in the presence of the whole assembly,
"Praise be to you,
God of our father Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting.
Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power
and the glory
and the majesty
and the splendor,
for everything in heaven
and earth is yours.
Yours, O LORD,
is the kingdom;
you are exalted as head over all.
Wealth and honor come from you;
you are the ruler of all things.
In your hands are strength and power
to exalt and give strength to all.
Now, our God, we give you thanks,
and praise your glorious name.
"But who am I,
and who are my people,
that we should be able to give as generously as this?
Everything comes from you,
and we have given you only what comes from your hand.
We are aliens and strangers in your sight,
as were all our forefathers.
Our days on earth are like a shadow,
without hope.
O LORD our God,
as for all this abundance
that we have provided for building you
a temple for your Holy Name,
it comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you.
I know,
my God,
that you test the heart
and are pleased with integrity.
All these things have I given
willingly and with honest intent.
And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people
who are here have given to you.
God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel,
keep this desire in the hearts of your people forever,
and keep their hearts loyal to you.

WOW, Lord, You test the Heart and are pleased with integrity. I pray that I would walk in the manner that is pleasing to you, with integrity and holiness.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Tomorrow is the DAY!

Today's Scripture is:

John 14:12-14
I tell you the truth,
anyone who has faith in me
will do what I have been doing.
He will do even greater things than these,
because I am going to the Father.
And I will do whatever you ask in my name,
so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.
You may ask me for anything in my name,
I will do it.

What I would give to have all the Faith it takes sometimes. I feel like Peter, I want to have faith, but when I ask to come out of the boat and walk on water, I have so little faith that I start to sink. How do we increase our faith? Is there some sort of magic beans we can eat that will increase the faith quotient? I doubt it, I think God is the one who grows our faith by putting us in situations where Faith is all we have, so we HAVE to lean on it. I'm sure there is a part of it that is also up to us, (Why would God tell us to increase our faith if it weren't up to us). We often hear of the Bible Quote- Faith of a Mustard Seed, and we all know that the Mustard Seed is such a small seed, but if you really think about it, What portion of faith do I have if faith like a mustard seed can move a mountain, I would guess my faith portion is so minuscule that there isn't even a seed that is small enough to describe it. That is really Awesome and sad to think about at the same time. Well, for now, I have to lean on the everlasting God.

Not about the scriptures but,... Today is the day before we leave. I will be trying to get to bed early tonight so that I can get enough sleep. We will be meeting at the Redmond Airport tomorrow morning at 4:30am. That's early, even for me. The bummer problem for me though is, when I know I am leaving on a big trip, and I know I need to be up at a certain time, I cannot sleep the night before. I just get so excited (It happens at Christmas too, but that's beside the point) and I cannot sleep. I keep waking up and checking my watch and making sure I didn't miss my target time. Then, it makes me grouchy on the trip, (I've gotten better about this as I have grown up a bit, but it still happens.) So one thing to pray for me for tonight, even before I leave is that I would get some good hours of sleep before the trip.
Today was the day for me to Mow the Lawn (as per request of my father), clean the house, do my laundry, and pack my clothes. As of about 11:11AM this morning, I got all that done (except on tiny part of cleaning the house- It'll get done soon) and so now I am just trying to figure out what else I should do to prepare for the trip. "My bags are packed, I'm ready to go.... I'm leaving on a Jet Plane, do know when I'll be back again". (as sung by the crew from Armageddon)
Anyways, I am ready for this trip and cannot wait for the excitement to start tomorrow morning.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

2 Days to Go...

Well, today is the commissioning service at the Church. This is where we missionaries are brought up front of the church and our leaders talk about the mission, what we plan to do, why we are going, just tell some logistics of the trip, and then we are all prayed for. I think it will be a good time of fellowship. (I Hope Bethany is there too, I haven't seen her in a long while.)

Today's Scriptures is:

Romans 15: 5-6
May the God who gives
endurance and encouragement
give you a spirit of unity among yourselves
as you follow Christ Jesus,
so that with one heart
and mouth
you may glorify
the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This is always a prayer as a christian collective, but even more on a trip like this. I pray that I would do nothing that hurts my testimony. I pray for Grace in situations in which it might be hard for me to give grace. I pray for unity in our group, we would get along well, and not get on each other's nerves.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

3 Days to Go...

So today's scripture is
1 Cor. 1:9-14
For this reason, since the day we heard about you,
we have not stopped praying for you
and asking God to fill you
with the knowledge of his will
through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
And we pray this in order that you may live a life
worthy of the Lord
and may please him in every way:
bearing fruit in every good work,
growing in the knowledge of God,
being strengthened with all power
according to his glorious might
so that you may have great endurance and patience,
and joyfully giving thanks to the Father,
who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints
in the kingdom of light.
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,
in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

WOW, powerful. I know that I pray for God's will revealed in me. I also pray that I live a life worthy of Him.
Happy Fourth of July- Independence is SWEET!

Friday, July 3, 2009

4 Days to Go...

Today's passage is from 2 Thessalonians 2: 13-17:
But we ought always to thank God for you,
brothers loved by the Lord,
because from the beginning
God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit
and through belief in the truth.
He called you to this through our gospel,
that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So then, brothers, stand firm
and hold to the teachings we passed on to you,
whether by word of mouth or by letter.

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself
and God our Father,
who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement
and good hope,
encourage your hearts
and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

I love that ending. May God, who gave us grace and enternal encouragement and hope, encourage and strengthen you in everything- works and words.
It just is very powerful.

Well, we are getting so close I can taste it. I had a chance (and was asked) to go to the Redmond Airport last night to check on a few questions we had. Boy, it has changed in Roberts' Field. They are expanding the airport, more parking, more places for planes, a holding area for check passengers awaiting their flights after security. I think once it's done, its going to look amazing in there.
We are having our Church Commissioning at First Baptist this Sunday and it is during an outdoor service so I think that will be fun, I just hope its not awkward for me to be there with people that I don't see too much anymore.

5 Days to go...

So, I remembered yesterday, but never got to it, I feel so bad. Oh well, thats the way it goes, so there are two again today.

Yesterday's was Psalm 91
Psalm 91

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."

Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare
and from the deadly pestilence.

He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,

nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.

A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.

You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.

If you make the Most High your dwelling—
even the LORD, who is my refuge-

then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.

For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;

they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.

With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my salvation."

It's pretty amazing to have a promise like this, God saying how He will keep us safe when we trust in him.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

6 Days to Go...

Today's scripture is 2 Timothy 2:20-22

In a large house there are articles
not only of gold and silver,
but also of wook and clay;
Some are for noble purposes
and some for ignoble.
If a man cleanses himself from the latter,
he will be an instrument for noble purposes,
made holy,
useful to the Master
and prepared to do any good work.
Flee the evil desires of youth,
and pursue righteousness,
love, and peace,
along with those who call on the Lord
out of a pure heart.

I need to cleanse myself so I can be used by God. To me, this doesn't mean, I have to be perfect, it just says; How can I be used by God to work in someones life if I have hatred in my own. I need to get rid of all those evil things, so that God can work through me.