Friday, July 17, 2009

My Devos for the Camp Days

Tuesday July 14th
Hebrews 13:7
Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.

My leaders, as goofy as they can be at times, are great people and very wonderful role models for others. I am so thankful to have these role models and one day strive to be like them. There are others among me that are natural leaders, ones of whom I look up to. I thank God for these people- my trip leaders as well as the natural Godly leaders around me- everyday.

Wednesday July 15th
John 4:34-38

This passage is very true in winning others to Christ. Some might tell their story and not even know it had an impact on lives, while others might reap a benefit that someone else might have put the seed in. Thats why we can never give up on others and always work on them, because even if they don't come to Christ by your leading, you have at least helped to mature the seed.

Thursday July 16th
Romans 5:3-5

I have felt this in the last week. At the start of the week, I did not think that I would make it through this because of the frustration I felt, But God has shown himself to me and that's what this trip is all about. I have had to persevere through a language barrier, not knowing what was going on, and still trying to create relationships, and because of it, it has developed character, and Character- Hope. And Hope does not disappoint.

Friday July 17th
1Cor. 1:26-31

What a picture of Grace. God chose us when we were nothing, we were sinful, shameful, despised, rude, weak nothings, and God cannot even look on us because of it, but He still chose us to be a part of him. What an amazing thought, that someone so big and righteous would care about me. WOW.

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