Monday, July 6, 2009

Tomorrow is the DAY!

Today's Scripture is:

John 14:12-14
I tell you the truth,
anyone who has faith in me
will do what I have been doing.
He will do even greater things than these,
because I am going to the Father.
And I will do whatever you ask in my name,
so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.
You may ask me for anything in my name,
I will do it.

What I would give to have all the Faith it takes sometimes. I feel like Peter, I want to have faith, but when I ask to come out of the boat and walk on water, I have so little faith that I start to sink. How do we increase our faith? Is there some sort of magic beans we can eat that will increase the faith quotient? I doubt it, I think God is the one who grows our faith by putting us in situations where Faith is all we have, so we HAVE to lean on it. I'm sure there is a part of it that is also up to us, (Why would God tell us to increase our faith if it weren't up to us). We often hear of the Bible Quote- Faith of a Mustard Seed, and we all know that the Mustard Seed is such a small seed, but if you really think about it, What portion of faith do I have if faith like a mustard seed can move a mountain, I would guess my faith portion is so minuscule that there isn't even a seed that is small enough to describe it. That is really Awesome and sad to think about at the same time. Well, for now, I have to lean on the everlasting God.

Not about the scriptures but,... Today is the day before we leave. I will be trying to get to bed early tonight so that I can get enough sleep. We will be meeting at the Redmond Airport tomorrow morning at 4:30am. That's early, even for me. The bummer problem for me though is, when I know I am leaving on a big trip, and I know I need to be up at a certain time, I cannot sleep the night before. I just get so excited (It happens at Christmas too, but that's beside the point) and I cannot sleep. I keep waking up and checking my watch and making sure I didn't miss my target time. Then, it makes me grouchy on the trip, (I've gotten better about this as I have grown up a bit, but it still happens.) So one thing to pray for me for tonight, even before I leave is that I would get some good hours of sleep before the trip.
Today was the day for me to Mow the Lawn (as per request of my father), clean the house, do my laundry, and pack my clothes. As of about 11:11AM this morning, I got all that done (except on tiny part of cleaning the house- It'll get done soon) and so now I am just trying to figure out what else I should do to prepare for the trip. "My bags are packed, I'm ready to go.... I'm leaving on a Jet Plane, do know when I'll be back again". (as sung by the crew from Armageddon)
Anyways, I am ready for this trip and cannot wait for the excitement to start tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

  1. I love the faith like a mustard seed anaolgy. You know what, I'm sure if you look back on your life you'll find some "mountains" that you've moved!=)Get some sleep and don't get to annoyed with Kelli. I'll be praying state side!
