Saturday, July 11, 2009


Yesterday was great. We got up in a nice manner, and walked to the church to have breakfast. These ladies were there nice and early to have quite a spread for us. All along, these Vagazi people have gone quite a distance to share their food.
We had a nice breakfast and then it was off to work. We were moving piles of pavers, tiles, a few were working on building shelving, a few of us were working on taking a big pile of scrap wood out of a storage house and then restacking it nicely. Also, men were tearing apart pallets and wooden items to chop into smaller pieces to add to the restacking pile. WOW, once we got done with everything, it looked amazing. You should go take a look at the photos on the web upload site.
In the middle of it all we had a great lunch.

Afterwards, we had some tea and cookies, and then started on our way home to take a rest and get ready for a saturday night youth service at the church. On our way back, Jerome and Megan heard a loud sound out near the street, we looked back to see that were was a car accident, then we looked closer and saw it was some of our group. We had been given a car by Dustin to use yesterday and today for driving around the area, but the problem was that there was no insurance and our driver did not have a Latvian Drivers License. In the end, we accured a few tickets because of this accident. Bummer.

We got back to the youth service just in time and had a fun time. They sang a few songs in Latvian, a few in Russian, and one in German. There was a group from Germany and so that was neat to see there last night.
After the service, our younger members of the group went back to Natasha's house to have some tea, and it turned out to be a full spread. She brought out tea, cookies, candies, and in the end even made some dumplings. It was a great time of fellowship and getting to know some of the younger people in the congregation.

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