Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wipe Out

So, its sunday here and we got up fairly early to take showers and get ready, then we ( the young ones, minus Jerome and Plus Kelli) had a 30min. drive cramped up in the back of a station wagon to go to church. We got to Madonna (Mah-dwo-na) just in time for the church to start. The church service was good. We got to meet some of the members, the speaker at the camp, a pastor somewhere else, had some time to speak at the church, as well as Bob Phillips again. They both did a great job. The church had I think around 50 people, and all were very enthusiastic. This was a tough service to get through for me because of the heat and humidity. It was very stuffy in the building and I felt like racing out the church when it was done.
After service, we all crammed 8 people in the 7 passenger van and headed out of the way for lunch so we could head back into Ergli via a castle on the way from Planias (or whereever it was). Lunch was alright, we had a big group with us so we all got the same thing to make it come quicker. We finally got our food at around 3pm so that was very late for me. I was ready for food around the middle of the service, seeing as how it started at around 12. So it was a very late lunch for me.

I am feeling the restrictions of the trip. I am the type of person who can only go so long being around people constantly, and these past few days (weeks really) have been people around all the time. I try as often as I can tofind time for myself, a quite area to rest or whatnot, but today it has hit me hard and I need some quiet time to re-coop. Truthfully, It is all three of us- Kelli, Megan, and I all feeling the same way.
There is another church service tonight that we are asked to go to here in Ergli, but I am hoping that I might be able to stay at the cabin to rest some more.

Thank you all for your prayers this week- here is another- please pray for our group that we will be rested and not testy with one another. Pray that I, myself, might find time to be on my own, to relax and spend with God, after all, this is a missions trip. And pray for safety on the roads as we are touring around the country tomorrow, and heading home on tuesday/wednesday.

Thank You again for your prayers.

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