Thursday, July 9, 2009

Big day

What happened yesterday? you may ask. Well, our group of 10 got up very early (Still not used to the time change) had some breakfast and a great devotional time together. We talked about encouragement for one another. We split up into groups of 3 or 4 and talked with one another, giving complements about what each one's abilities and talents are given by God.
It was a great time of sharing and getting to know people deeper than just the surface stuff.
After devotions we took a walk down to the occupation museum to get there by 11am. This building is very interesting. It looks so old. Inside, there were lots of pictures and readings. The thing I got out of this adventure was that I got a sense of why the older people of Latvia are always looking down as a sign of submission and oppression. It seems that the younger ones have not grown up under that oppression and so they would look like any other teenager in any other city. It was interesting to watch. It is so sad all the oppression that has impacted the lives of these people.
After I was done with my visit to the Occupation museum, I walked outside to wait for the rest of my group to get done. Around this time, I met Natasha, she took us towards the restaurant that we had lunch at. Sadly, we got a bit lost on the way there. We went a bit far and had to ask for directions back. We got back on track and met with Pastor Augris and his son for lunch at a buffet style joint. It was fun to get to try to figure out what I wanted for lunch. I followed Natasha around and she explained to me what the general stuff was at this buffet. I got a chicken thing and some fries. Not too bad of a lunch. After lunch, I was so tired I had to go back and take a rest at the BBI offices. While there, I got a chance to meet a few teenage boys who were Latvian. It was fun to get to know them a bit. They sat out in the main room and talked with Megan and I about life. It was a great time. I also got a tip from them to look at a youtube video called I am Second by Brian "Head" ? (I forgot) , the former lead guitarist from Korn who was converted to Christianity. He has a powerful testimony. Check it out. Anyways, it was a good time talking with these yong men. We all met up as a group around 4:30. We walked to St. Peters Church and many of us went up to the top of the tower, afterwards, we relaxed a bit at a tea house. Got some dinner at a pizza place then I went back to the appartment and rested the rest of the night. Some of our group went to a festival near the office and were engaged in the Latvian culture and dance. Quite a big day today. We also in the middle of it got to meet Diega, a young lady who the toomeys and Al have known for around 3 years. She met us at the Freedom Monument and joined us for most of the rest of the evening.

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