Friday, July 17, 2009

The Week is over.

Well, yesterday was the last day of the camp. We were all in a good mood about that. It has turned out to be a good week, but it was nice when the kids were all heading home and we all had some quiet time. Well, I am getting ahead of myself.-- On Thursday, we had quite an adventure. Right after I got done with my internet usage, it started to rain. (See heres the deal, at the camp, we were all sharing the computer to check email and such- we had to walk around a hill to get to a place where the camp WiFi works, so when someone needed to check the mail they would take my computer and do what I like to call the E-Walk.) Anyways, I had just gotten done and Kelli was waiting to do the E-walk when it started raining, then really hard, so she did not get much time on the computer. All this to say that Thursday evening it rained really hard, for quite a while and it rained so hard and for so long, that the water level on the lake rose so much they had to do something about it.
When the rain stopped, many people were outside trying to create pathways for water to run from the overflowing lake into the river. It was just gushing. It was an amazing site, let me tell ya.
That was the fun with Thursday and if you have the link to my picasa Web Album for Latvia Trip you can check it out, I am updating those photos as I write.

Well, back to yesterday, Friday. I got up nice and early and was in such a great mood, because our week of being with students was over. It was great, just very tiring and still difficult to be there when most of the time you don't know what is going on or what people are saying. It takes a lot out of you. My cabin got up at a leisurely rate and had some breakfast (to which I find out after the fact, that there was more stuff than just the Cereal that I had, so i was bummed.) and then cleaned out the rest of the cabin and got packed and headed up to the meeting area for the last meeting. It was a good time of worship with Dave, and at the start of the week, Marvin, the camp director asked me since I was taking lots of video and photos if I would be willing to put together a slideshow of the week, I jumped on that opportunity and asked if it could have video as well. So had been working on that this past week and it was shown at the last meeting. Everybody really enjoyed it. I had lots of fun making it too.
So after the last meeting, they took a group photo and then said their goodbyes and got ready to leave. Many of the students and staff came up to me afterwards asking if I could transfer a copy of the slideshow onto their flash drive or ipod or whatever they had. It was a good time of saying goodbye, then the staff went up for lunch when most were gone and had a nice time of prayer for the kids that were here.
Then, the rest of the afternoon, for us three American camp staff, it was a leisurely time. We got in the cold lake, and were asked to clean out the tents, and played a really long game of president and the fool with Dave, Kelli, and Megan. At around dinner time, we headed back. This was the first time out of the camp for me. Us camp staff are staying now in a cabin in the back yard of Dustin and Christines house. The rest of the staff are staying in a house three doors down. Both places are really neat, the only problem is that the cabin does not have a bathroom or running water at all, so we are having to use dustin and Christines house for a bathroom. Anyways, it has been very nice to have conversations in only english ever since we got out of the camp area.
Today, the men are going back to the camp to continue/finish up what they have been working on, and we three are going to have a nice easy morning, maybe get some bakery items for breakfast, take a walk in the ergli area, and Janine will take us to the camp maybe after lunch for some recreation time or work or whatever.
There was talk of having a BBQ at the camp for dinner, but its still up in the air.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for all your prayers, they have really meant a lot to us all, and I know that God worked through this week and had grown all of us because of it too. It is built up some character.

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