Wednesday, July 1, 2009

6 Days to Go...

Today's scripture is 2 Timothy 2:20-22

In a large house there are articles
not only of gold and silver,
but also of wook and clay;
Some are for noble purposes
and some for ignoble.
If a man cleanses himself from the latter,
he will be an instrument for noble purposes,
made holy,
useful to the Master
and prepared to do any good work.
Flee the evil desires of youth,
and pursue righteousness,
love, and peace,
along with those who call on the Lord
out of a pure heart.

I need to cleanse myself so I can be used by God. To me, this doesn't mean, I have to be perfect, it just says; How can I be used by God to work in someones life if I have hatred in my own. I need to get rid of all those evil things, so that God can work through me.

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