Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Slava Bogu- Praise God-
We got back all in one piece to PDX. Yesterday, we flew out of Riga, Latvia to Frankfurt, Germany.
It was an uneventful flight, very nice. We got into Frankfurt and right outside of the gate in the pickup area was a driver waiting for us from the Kolping Hotel. This was a small-roomed but nice hotel with great views. We were very fortunate- we had assumed that we would be getting two rooms- one for the guys and one for the girls, but instead we each had a room.
Megan hooked us up good- we even got Dinner and Breakfast included- All for free. Thank You German Family.

Then we had lots of great time for searching out the city- Bob became a Christian there in Frankfurt and so he had the greatest time finding all the different places. He went back to the church he was changed at and took lots of photos and tried to find someone there to talk to so he could see inside. No luck.

We got up this morning and then had breakfast- got in the shuttle and left for the airport.
I was lucky enough to get a window seat on the long flight back to the states and it was great seeing some of greenland, the canadian rockies and many other sites.

We all made it back in one piece and all our baggage joined us. Again, I will say it- Slava Bogu.
God has blessed this trip and I am happy that I was able to go.

1 comment:

  1. Not all, last I heard Megan's baggage is in airport limbo! Welcome home! Have fun being alone and sleeping.=)
