Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ergli Finally

Sunday was interesting. We got up early to go to the church. Kelli and I had planned to practice our three songs were were going to sing before everyone got there from Breakfast. We had the wonderful chance to sing Blessed Be Your Name, Majestic, and Amazing Grace. We practiced these songs on our own and we did alright. After our practice, we had a wonderful breakfast provided by our host church- the Russian Baptist Church in Vangazi.
After Breakfast, we had some fellowship with our friends at the church and waited for the service to begin.
Al Hulbert was preaching Sunday morning and he did an awesome job. He knew exactly how to preach with an interpreter, and Natasha did a great job interpreting for us and for their congregation.
We also had two testimonies Sunday morning- Bill Brown and Jerome Tryone. They also did an excellent job of telling their story.
At the end, Kelli and I sang our songs, and we asked everyone to sing Amazing Grace along with us in their own tongue. It was fun to sing this song with everyone singing their native tongue. Im sure there were some Russian, Latvian, German, and English Dialects all singing the same thing.
After the church service, we were greeted by many, some who could speak english, and others who could not, but it was a very fun experience.
We had a big lunch afterwards. Pastor Victors and his family were there, Pastor Augris and his wife were there, another missionary at the Bible Institute was there to join us, and many of the host families were there. By the end, everyone was making speeches. I have found this a lot in this country. Pastors like standing up and saying words for all to hear. Not only the pastors, but Boris, a great man there at the church, also wanted to say some words to us.
Pastor Victors at the end of the lunchtime, got up and gave another speech and gave each and everyone of us a little gift, a cup that had a picture of their church on it, and a chocolate bar. This was so touching because he said, even though we don't have much and cannot give much, we would like to give you something. I wish I would have gotten it on tape because it would have been nice to share it everyone back home.
After Lunch, we got our things to be packed up and then headed out to the church to wait for Dicks to come and get us. He was driving a Mini Van and Al still had the mid-size car to use. We waited over at the church and some of the group went over to play volleyball at a field nearby with some friends from the church. It was a fun game. Eventually, Dicks arrived and we packed in the car and left for Ergli.
We had to stop off and get some gas and insurance in Sigulda, so we wouldn't have the same problem again.
We arrived in Ergli at the Sunday service just in time. We were to be there participating in the service at 6pm and we did not think we could make it in time, but All things are possible with God (and when Dicks drives really fast) Bob Phillips spoke the message to the service on Sunday night, and he did a great job. He had some great analogies that pertained to being lost and found. Also, Jerome gave is testimony again and Megan gave hers as well. Again, both did a great job and did not even seem nervous.
We arrived at the camp around 8 or 9 and had some fellowship with the other leaders and the mens team got a feel of where they would be during the week, what projects they would be working on and whatnot.
I have found so far, that these people do know how to speak English, but would rather speak Latvian to when their friends are near. When it is just myself and one other person, we will say hello and chitchat a bit in english, but when there are a few, they do not include us english speakers, they just talk talk talk in Latvian. It's kinda hard to follow and I think we all feel a bit left out. That is something I am going to have to get over for this week to be profitable.

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