Thursday, July 16, 2009

More and More

Well, it was a great thing last night. We had our small groups in our tent and usually I don't know what is being talked about because noone really translates much for me, but last night, I had a translator in the tent with us and he translated most all of what was being said. It was great because I found out that one of the boys we have in our cabin on his own the day before gave his life to christ. Slava Bogu (Russian for Praise God) At the start of the week, he was an unbeliever, but he said yesterday that he felt that it was the right thing to do and so in his heart he did. It is so great when God leads someone to christ like that. It didnt even take any one person to walk him through it, he just knew in his heart it had to be done, so he did it.
The leaders here have been really helpful and they are really warming up to us. The kids too. There are a number of students now that say hi to us more and more. I have had a chance to have better converstions with many, especially in my cabin group.
I also got a chance to get to know a few of the leaders more and more. I got a chance to talk with a few last night while most of the group were going to play Capture the Flag. Sad thing though, during capture the flag, a young man got hurt, and had to go to the emergency room and get 9 stitches. Luckily though, he was back this morning and seems to be doing fine.

All is well here, we are tired and will be ready for the end of the camp, but still in high spirits.

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