Sunday, July 19, 2009


After my post yesterday, we went to the church service. Us young people were late because we were not told how to get there or when it was or any details like that. But Steve came and got us to go there. Then afterwards there was a few baptisms at the camp lake. It was raining, so not the greatest time to be in a lake or by a lake, but it was still a good time of watching commitments.
Of course Steve, Al, and Diks were talking about throwing each other into the lake and so Al and Diks decided to try to throw each other in. Al thought he could take him, but Diks had the advantage of being younger, taller, among other things, so Al knew he was going in. Al went in with a fight but gracefully, next it was Diks, then his brother, Guntas, then it was Steve. Supposedly I was next but that would not have been a good move on their part, because, in a good mood, I can handle being dumped, but in a bad/tired mood (Like I was in last night) I would have been very upset and it would have ruined my night.

Its Sigulda Day! Its raining outside. We are having a big group go with us to Sigulda. We will be heading to a castle, and just look around the city. I still am kindof on the edge of not wanting to be around people, but since I got some sleep last night, I think I can handle it as long as we are not touring as one big group, if we are going as smaller groups- 4or 5- I can handle that, just not a big group of 14-18 going in and out of shops or whatnot for that whole time. I dont mind meeting up for lunch and such (as long as we get one huge table or two good-sized tables, and are not squished like we have been in the past).

I hope that Sigulda Day will be a good experience for me, and not a bad one.

1 comment:

  1. Sure can tell that you are ready for some time alone at home! Only a couple more days.
